The Regional Food Bank of Northeastern NY
Volunteer Week Day 5
For our final day of our 2nd Annual Volunteer Week, our team volunteered at the Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York! Pictured above (from left to right), is Broker Matthew Stallmer, Account Manager Devan Maxstadt, Marketing Assistant Danielle Ramirez, Commercial Account Manager Courtney Lussier, and Lead Broker Connor Lind.
About the Regional Food Bank of Northeastern NY
Established in 1982, the Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York is a non-profit organization that collects donated food and distributes it to nearly 900 agencies, throughout 23 counties of upstate New York. The Food Bank helps feed over 350,000 people a month, as well as donating more than 45 million pounds of food throughout the counties. The Food Bank is located on Albany Shaker Road, right around the corner from our office in Latham, NY.
Our Volunteer Work
For the fifth day of our Volunteer Week, our team was put right to work once again! Our team’s job was to fill up the shipping boxes with the donated food. The food was already checked and separated into different categories, such as fruit, condiments, snacks, etc. The boxes had to be filled to weigh approximately 40 pounds, include an assortment of brands/items, and be securely packaged before shipping. Our team successfully packed dozens of boxes to be shipped out to various organizations in need.

Impact on Our Team
Our team truly had a great time volunteering at the Food Bank for the second year in a row. “In all of our years volunteering at this organization, this day was one of the most rewarding, knowing that the food we packaged will go directly to people in our area that are in need” said Account Manager Devan Maxstadt. Our team cannot wait to continue volunteering at the Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York. We organize other donations throughout the year as well, so stay tuned for updates along the way.
How to Get Involved
To learn more about how you can contribute to the Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York, please visit their website at https://regionalfoodbank.net/. In addition to sorting and packaging donated goods, the Food Bank has several other Programs that require Volunteer Assistance throughout the year.
Thank You Regional Food Bank of Northeastern NY!
Thank you for having us! Read more about the previous organizations we volunteered at earlier this week.